martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

The Stranger

1-A Stranger in Woodend

One day, a man arrived in the village (Woodend), he's a stranger man.
The stranger wanted to stay  but there wasn't some hotel in this town. This man was very worried.
Luckily, Mrs Harrison, offered to let him a room. Next day the stranger saw the village but the stranger was not interested in it. What interested him was bought a house here and the people were left suprised becouse there weren't job in this town. A person said it there were a house because the strange man loocked rich.
 Few days later, Mr Smith's house was old and put sign on the front of the house.

2-The Village Meeting

The villagers was suprised because there were a shop in Woodend. Was the first shop in this village for ages.
Everybody was interested because the Woodend needs a shop. But some people were against because they said that shop caused troubles in town also, there were people that favored (the most people) this shop.
Dave Slatin (the stranger) proposes to sell different products most important in village and the villagers were in agreement. The new assistant in The corner shop was Anna.

3-The Corner Shop

Dave kept his promises. Things at the shop were good and cheap. The villagers were very excited for this shop and some villagers heped to arrange this. There were lots of visitors and Woodend became more interesting and Dave was more popular than when he arrived. But there was a mysterious room...

4-A Beautiful Customer

One day, a differet customer came into the shop, she's was a gorgeous woman seemed famous. This woman were looking for Mr Slatin. The woman was a film star! Anna was suprised. Ten minutes later, Greta Gordon (the woman) came out ok the special orders room. But then his face was pale. Anna asked him: "What's wrong?" but Greta didn't want his help. Then, Greta asked him to don't tell anyone she had been there.

5-A Page in "Film News" 

Dave and Anna never talked about her (Greta Gordon) visit to The Corner Shop. But Anna asked to Dave several questions about Greta Gordon. Althought he wasn't told him anything of Greta Gordon's Special Order. Peter asked Anna to marry him, she said yes. One day Anna saw a picture of Greta Gordon in a magazine.
But had to keep a promise not to tell anyone. Althought she showed him ( Peter) a picture og Greta, but she said nothing.

6-A Quick Kiss 

During Summer tourists were arriving in Woodend and this was good for the shop. But Anna was worried since the last time visited the famous actress. Anna was going to marry Peter, but she loved Dave too! Anna had a double live, one for Dave, the other with Peter.
One day Dave asked her to spend the they with him. But Anna denied the proposal. Althought the Anna ended accepts. Then they went to a cinema, afterwards, to a restaurant. The moment of left Dave kissed her.

7-Another Special Order 

In this chapter the summer passed. The shop was always busy. But Anna still loved Dave. Peter was more interested in football than her. He was played football. Mr Hart had a big television and he invited Anna and Peter. But, during Anna worked the door rang...Was a young man said spoke with Dave. Anna wanted to know about the young man. Dave and misterious man had a strange conversation. Anna heard this. Anna saw the young man's face was white! Anna started to ask 

8-The Football Match

The next day was the day of the  important football match but Anna didn't watch the game because she was helping Mrs Hart in the kitchen. Peter ask her because she didn't watch the football match, and she laughed. The first times of the football match was very exciting but later the game was complicated. One footballer (Mike Bailey) was injured in him neck, it was an accident. The TV did an interview with the player. But he could not speak! It was terrible. Because of the injury will not be able to play. Mike Bailey had looked frightened.

9-A secret Weekend

Anna saw the strange events with Special Orders. She decided to wait. Anna and Dave were alone in the shop and Anna spoke to Dave with Peter. Anna was a little sad because she didn't see sufficient him. Dave asked Anna with her life. Dave invited Anna a fantastic holidays in London.But for Anna to go to London she makes blackmail to know about Special Orders. Dave was angry. Anna asked him because why the people visit him. He answer for help. But Anna didn't understand. Anna went to London with him.

10-A Quarrel

Anna enjoyed the weekend in London. She was arrived the las sunday in September. On Monday, Anna went to work in The Corner Shop and Peter visited him. Peter was a little upset that Anna went to London. Anna wanted to explain him holidays with Dave but Peter didn't want to know. Altough she spoke her with the strange something with Dave. Anna was very unhappy. She wanted to tell him about Dave an other but Peter has left her.

11-Arthur Riseman

Anna wasn't very busy at the shop. She was very sad because she had quarrelled with Peter. It was the middle of the month and Anna felt  alone.  The time of luch one man arrived in the shop. She was interested in this man. He wanted to see Mr David Slatin. This man was a salesman. But Anna wasn't believed that a salesman. The man followed Dave. They went into the Special Orders room. Dave asked her to leave but Anna didn't leave the Shop. Mr Riseman saw Anna into the  the shop but they didn't each other. Anna sell some bread him. But the man caught her wrists and he said him: "I don't want that briefcase. Leave it there."

12-Anna Waits for News

Anna saw some newa about Mr Riseman. There was a lot of newa about him on TV. She explain the different stranges events with the Special Orders room. The case of the Arthur Riseman had the letters A.R.I.C.S. on it. A.R was Arthur Riseman but she didn't know the another letters. To discover these letters she went to London to see ads. Suddenly one ad had the letters (I.C.S) International Computer Services. Anna rang the number of the ad. Anna call him Company but Mr Riseman wasn't there. He was the vice president. When Anna leave to her village she found a newspaper...The president of ICS was dead! He suffered a plane crash.

13-The special Orders Room

Mr Riseman was the new Chairman. Anna didn't stopped to think about Dave Slatin and the Special Orders.On Saturday Anna was alone in the shop because Mr Slatin was angry because Anna had not worked on Friday. Dave Slatin forgot to lock the door od Special Orders Room. Anna opened the room and walked round. She found many things in this room. She found lots of money the different countries. Also she found a strange collection. But Anna was scared because someone was coming...

14-The Special Customers

It was Dave Slatin! He was laughing. Anna was frightened. Dave asked with the diamonds (Greta's diamonds). Dave had all that money because the special costumers give him. Dave Slatin got everything you tell him to do in exchange for money because he was the evil man. Anna was very afraid.For a moment it was frightening! But Dave was love it her. Later Anna moved quickly. She ran all the way home. 

15-31st October

Anna went to bed quickly! Next day Peter came to see her.  Terrible something happened in Woodend. Anna was very ill. Peter heared somenthing in the street. The Corner shop was burning! Peter ran there. Nobody found Dave Slatin. Dave was into the shop! He was standing at the window and he was laughing. That was the last time they saw him. Peter went to back to Anna's house but...Anna was dead.


somewhere-en alguna part
laughed- es va posar a riure
once-una vegada
empty- buit
carefully-amb compte
in a hurry- a tota presa
Anna earned a lot of money-L'Anna va guanyar molts diners
underneath-per sota de