lunes, 23 de enero de 2012


1. Journey to Istanbul
A man goes to Istanbul. His name is tom Smith. 
Tom reads Agela's letter, his girlfriend. Tom meet Kemal and they talked a lot about Angela's Company and another things. When they arrived in Istanbul, they meet at three o'clock in a American bar.

2. The American Bar
While Tom goes to hotel, he saw angela with other mans very suspects.
He wanted to get out but the bus didn't stop and he couldn't left.
Tom went to the American Bar where he reminded with Angela but she didn't come.
A man, seemed strange, who wearing a grey raincoat, looked all the time Tom. Tom Try to called Angela, but nobody answered. 
Tom asked to receptionist where Kamerot was. Suddenly Tom left the hotel and the strange man followed him...

3. A Shock
Kamerot Sokak, a old building, hadn't got any lights and Tom couldn't see anything.
Tom knocked  at Angela's door, he thought that Angela was there but anybody reply. After, Tom went to "Ankara Hotel" to slept for a night.
When Tom woke up, in the morning, he went to the Angela's Company (that was an exportation office) for saw where Angela was. But the secretary said Tom that Angela was dead.

4. "I saw her"
Mr. Smith said to Mr. Dünya (the secretary) how could pass this horrible incident.
Mr. Dünya told him that Angela had a fatal car accident. Tom left. He got a card with two telephone numbers, one from Mr. Dünya and the other from a man who arranged the funeral. 
He thought about Kemal, the guy who meet in the plane, and Tom phoned him to know more about him.

5. A disappointing day
While Tom Smith and Kemal were sitting in the American Bar Tom said him what was happened.
After, Kemal said him that he saw Angela. Then, they drove to the building where Tom saw Angela for last time.
In this building were a lawyer, a dentist and a doctor. But Tom didn't knew were Angela went.
Kemal Told Tom that he most talk with the consulate.

6. Visit to the Consulate
After lunch they went to consulate.
Pennington gave Tom the report of accident. Anyone believes Tom because he said that he saw Angela the day before. Tom wanted to identify the body but the body was burned.
The police found the identification in her bag. Angela's parents didn't know yet because they spent holidays in France.
The case was closed and the funeral was the last wednesday.
Pennington told Tom that he must leave Istanbul.

7. The man in the grey raincoat
Kemal didn't trust that man. 
Kemal said Tom that he should went home. They went sightseeing and they visited monuments and many things. Kemal realised that someone was following them, and seemed concerned.
They decided divide and phone each other.

8. A Suprise Phone Call
Tom took a taxi and Tom phone rings. Was a women, she wanted to meet him. Tey met and her name was Julie. Julie know a lot of Angela's life and she explain to Tom that Angela likes his job and Julie told him other things.   But lately seemed strange Angela, said Jullie.  
One day, Angela and Julia was having a lunch and Mr. Dünya appeared. Angela was scared because Mr. Dünya has something to do against her.
Tom told Julie what had finished to looked for Angela. Julie told Tom that Mr. Dünya was a cruel person.

9. "Goodbye, Mr. Dünya"
Tom and kemal made up a plan to got the person who was followinf them. The mysterious man was a man of Mr. Dünya.
Tom went to the Dünya's office to say Dünya that he left Istanbul. Tom went to the airport and Tom know that one man was following him. He hided in the toiletes  with the help of the crowd of people that were there.
The plane left and the man thought that Tom left.
Then, when Tom go out from the toiletes, he and Tom decided to following Mr. Dünya.

10. An Important Discovery
Kemal gaves Tom a false wig and mustache to deceive Mr. Dünya. They waited Mr. Dünya go out from his office and then followed him.
After, ther arrived at his mansion.
Tom wanted to know more about Dünya's life and they decided look around Mr. Dünya stores.

11. A Clever Trick
Mr. Dünya and his parents sells ornaments.
 He could sell a box where would have a lot of ashtrays cheper than the others. So Kemal could enter inside Dünya's store.
Kemal said to Mr. Dünya that he wanted to sell the box because he needed the money.
Kemal's brother called to Mr. Dünya and Kemal could see what Dünya was doing. Mr. Dünya was phoning. Kemal look around the store and he saw a small wall. Mr. Dünya paid him and he left.
They come back to the hotel and decided to break in the courtyard.

12. Disaster!
In the evening Tom and Kemal went to the wall, then they climb up it and they saw a little bags of drugs in the ornaments.
When Tom jump, made a lot of noise and he was capturated.

13. Journey Into Danger
Mr. Dünya had a gun and he saud that Angela was in his house.
The mens of Mr. Dünya took them in Dünya's car and drove to his mansion. Suddenly the police was inside drug sweatshop and said: Stop! Stop or we'll shoot!. 
Dünya dropped his gun and slowly put his hands above his head. His men did the same. 
The door of Mr. Dünya's house opened and Angela run out to Tom. They were really happy and galded.

14. Time for a Holiday
In the evening they were in the Consulates building with Mr. Pennington.
They talked very long time and they talked about what was happened.
Now, Tom and Angela want a happy holidays.